3. Install the Package in Your Codebase

Now that you’ve created your project and generated your secret key, the next step is to install the OpenSesame package into your codebase.

This will allow OpenSesame to intercept your AI model calls and start detecting hallucinations immediately.

Add the Package to Your Project

To get started, simply install the OpenSesame package in your project. The installation process is straightforward and requires just a few lines of code.

Currently Javascript supports OpenAI and Gemini, while Python supports: OpenAI, Gemini, Anthropic, Groq, Huggingface and Cohere

# For JavaScript (OpenAI)
npm install opensesame-sdk

# For Python applications
pip install opensesame-sdk

Further Documentation is available in the SDK Section for each model provider, with the same information being on the platform itself.
